Thursday 10 April 2014

Pinterest to pin your success in business

Pinterest is an online photo sharing website. There are image boards where users can pin their photos based on different themes. This website is considered as one of the top ten social sites available

 Pinterest for your business
Pinterest can not only be used to pin photos of your interest but also can pave a good way to promote your business. You can upload photos of your products and thus, attract more customers to your business. There are several ways by which you can use it to market your business
·         Upload attractive and eye catchy photos .For example, if you work in the field of fashion, you can pin beautiful photos of dresses or ornaments that you have designed.
·         Start various contests in Pinterest. There are contests like’ Pin to win’ available. You can ask the persons in your friends list to take part in the contest and also, offer exciting prizes in the contest. This is a good way to attract people to attend the contest.
·         There is an option in Pinterest, where other people can repin your images by clicking on the ‘pin it’ button. Encourage more and more people to repin your images.
·         Make sure you keep your Pinterest account active and always maintain the activities in it.

What is Pinterest’s value for business?
Pinterest is an image sharing website and researches say that people get motivated more quickly through visual advertisements than through verbal ads. It helps people to know and see a better image of your company and products.
Social media sites have a great influence on today’s customers. They search for new products and ideas and share it with others in the social media websites like Facebook and Twitter. Since Pinterest being a social media site, it also has a great chance of influencing people. Pinterest was started in 2010 and within such a short span of time, it has grown itself into a major photo sharing social media network. This itself shows how valuable Pinterest can become for your business.
The main advantages of using Pinterest for your business are
·         It gives your brand’s personality
·         Search engines will rank your website better
·         It will help to create backlinks to your website
·         You can connect to different types of markets
·         Your sales can be increased
·         Viral campaigns for your business can be improved

How to make a Pinterest account
In Pinterest, you can create two types of account – Personal and business account. Personal account is made by people who love to have some fun and would like to make friends and share photos with them. Business accounts are made by business people and companies in order to boost their sales and profit. Although, business and personal accounts appear similar, some features like the service agreement is different in the business account.
There is a ‘Request an invite’ button in the Pinterest page. You can create an account by clicking on it and giving your email address there. Then, you will be invited to open an account. You can also ask your friends who are already members of Pinterest to send you an invite. Once you receive the invite in your mail, you will be asked to click on a link. This link will take you to a page where you can sign in to Pinterest using your Facebook or Twitter email and password.
In Pinterest, there will be a visual grid containing various topics. Once you choose a topic, you can click on ‘Follow people’ button. Thus, you can start following other users and viewing their images.

According to a study, the popular pinners’ activity was calculated to be 2757  pins, with 355 people following and 35 boards on an average.
83.4% pinners spend their time on Pinterest by pinning images, while 16% spend by liking others’ images and the rest 0.6% by commenting the images.
The popular pins and boards in Pinterest are based on these categories: Hair and beauty, food and drink, home décor etc.

Market your business through Pinterest
There are many ways to market your business through Pinterest
·         You have to spend time on Pinterest to make connections and friends. The more you spend browsing, the more benefit it does. This is a way to let your customers know about your product.
·         Make your account a simple one. People will be interested to check your profile only if it is simple. Complex profiles will not be liked by most of them. Try to put your link in your images.
·         Make sure that your pins match the categories in the popular pin boards like home decor or food and drink. People are more likely to search for popular categories. Also, this will increase your traffic.
·         Try to develop feeds from Twitter and Facebook because you can include your already made connections in those social networks also to Pinterest.
·         Try to categorize your pins and maintain a board.
·         Try to include products of other companies also, as this may help you to get a large number of followers.

User demographics
According to a study, the numbers of women who use Pinterest are 5 times to that of men on an average.
19% of people in the age group 18-29 and 30-49 use Pinterest, while 12% of people between 50-64 use it. And 4% of people above the age of 65 use Pinterest.
When 11% of undergraduate student use Pinterest, 16 – 20% of college going students use it.
The average percentage of people who use Pinterest based on their household income is:
·         Less than $30,000 per year – 10%.
·         Between $30,000 - $49,999 – 15%.
·         Between $50,000 - $74999 – 23%.
·         Above $75,000 – 18%.
13% of urban people use Pinterest, while 16% of suburban people use it and 18% of rural people use it.

Pinterest has grown very fast as a favorite photo sharing website for both small scale and branded businessmen.

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